redefine your industry with thompson tough!

An Outstanding Australian success story!

Since the 1980’s Thompson Meat Machinery has been driven to develop innovative, highly technical, meat processing machines that are robust, reliable and safe… but never compromise yield, or the long life of your investment!


Highly technical, meat processing machines that are robust, reliable and safe… but never compromise yield, or the long life of your investment!


Thompson’s Mincer Mixers!

Thompson built it’s reputation on the now globally respected 4000 Series Mixer Mincer.

The 4000 has also been the base for some improvements and new models that maximise production for individual ssectors of the industry.


Yes,  these are the machines that have earned their reputation for reliable operation with ultra low maintenance requirements and processing capabilities way beyond the limits of their original design characteristics. That’s what Thompson is all about. That’s why the industry term “THOMPSON TOUGH” was forged.

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